In Open Tabs • New Work by Cameron Coffman • August 5th - September 17th, 2016
In the over air-conditioned car, I rub my fingers into the fabric of the car’s seat, and draw with the weight of the fabric in different directions. The fabric and heat collect together. I delay my arrival by relieving myself in the public restroom before I enter. Inside, there are little triggering facts that distin- guish their day from mine. Three to twenty tabs open, spilled coffee, tea, and a cup of flavored tootsie rolls. Waiting in line, I receive my belongings, a man in cargo shorts and flip flops goes after me. I sit back down, situate my ac- quisitions, and notice him walk towards the Seven-Eleven across the street. Tomorrow is July 11th. Does he know to wait a day? Returning to the car, hot air billows from the open door.
In In Open Tabs, Coffman’s crayon drawings slap violently against the wall and photographs are stretched and contorted in strict barriers. The objects and surfaces are familiar. However, the legibility of the images are obscured by their display. The sculptural interventions attempt to compensate for the generic imagery. How could a chair represent the privilege of relaxation or the urgency of work? Coffman questions how the mundane may represent the feeling of loss or longing around the disorder of the day-to-day.
Cameron Coffman received her BFA from the University of Texas at Austin in 2014, attended Virginia Commonwealth University Summer Studio Program in 2015 and is a MFA candidate (2018) at the University of California Los Ange- les. She has participated in Ox-Bow School of Art, Grin City Collective Resi- dency, and the Art Students League of New York.